Milwaukee 7

Regional economic development partnership of the seven counties of southeast Wisconsin.


Milwaukee 7 (M7) builds capacity for economic growth in the region through its initiatives and events, integrating strategies with partner organizations. Strategies include business retention,attraction and expansion, building the talent pipeline, advancing industry clusters, increasing exports, and supporting entrepreneurs.  Milwaukee 7 staff and their counterparts in local economic development organizations throughout the region regularly survey and visit companies to discuss business challenges and expansion opportunities.  M7 can then connect companies to the aligned resources they need to take their business to the next level.   M7 works to develop a stronger, more agile business climate that is a competitive advantage for individual businesses and the region.

Services Provided

Economic and Site Development

  • Economic Development (Specialty)
  • Site Location Assistance (Specialty)
Contact Information
Marjorie Yoshida
756 N. Milwaukee St., Suite 400
Milwaukee, WI 53202